Timer Example

This example shows two methods of using timers in rules.

from core.rules import rule
from core.triggers import when

# Example using Python threading.Time
from threading import Timer
chargerTimer1 = None

Possible timer states:
NEW - instantiated
RUNNABLE - defined
TIMED_WAITING - timer is running (slight delay after timer is stopped)
TERMINATED - timer completed or stopped

@rule("Example rule using python threading.timer")
@when("Item Outlet9_Power changed")
def batteryChargingMonitor1(event):
    #log.debug("Battery charging monitor: {}: start".format(event.itemState))
    global chargerTimer1
    if items["Outlet9"] == ON and event.itemState <= DecimalType(8) and event.oldItemState <= DecimalType(8):
        if chargerTimer1 is None or str(chargerTimer1.getState()) == "TERMINATED":
            chargerTimer1 = Timer(600, lambda: events.sendCommand("Outlet9","OFF"))# 600 seconds = 5 minutes
            batteryChargingMonitor1.log.info("Battery charging monitor: Started battery charging turn off timer: Outlet9_Power=[{}], oldItemState=[{}]".format(event.itemState, event.oldItemState))
    elif chargerTimer1 is not None and str(chargerTimer1.getState()) == "TIMED_WAITING":
        batteryChargingMonitor1.log.info("Battery charging monitor: Cancelled battery charging turn off timer: Outlet9_Power=[{}], oldItemState=[{}]".format(event.itemState, event.oldItemState))

# Example using the createTimer Action
from core.actions import ScriptExecution
from org.joda.time import DateTime
chargerTimer2 = None

@rule("Example rule using createTimer")
@when("Item Outlet9_Power changed")
def batteryChargingMonitor2(event):
    #log.debug("Battery charging monitor: {}: start".format(event.itemState))
    global chargerTimer2
    if items["Outlet9"] == ON and event.itemState <= DecimalType(8) and event.oldItemState <= DecimalType(8):
        if chargerTimer2 is None or chargerTimer2.hasTerminated():
            chargerTimer2 = ScriptExecution.createTimer(DateTime.now().plusMinutes(5), lambda: events.sendCommand("Outlet9","OFF"))
            batteryChargingMonitor2.log.info("Battery charging monitor: Started battery charging turn off timer: Outlet9_Power=[{}], oldItemState=[{}]".format(event.itemState, event.oldItemState))
    elif chargerTimer2 is not None and not chargerTimer2.hasTerminated():
        batteryChargingMonitor2.log.info("Battery charging monitor: Cancelled battery charging turn off timer: Outlet9_Power=[{}], oldItemState=[{}]".format(event.itemState, event.oldItemState))
 * Examples of rules that utilize GenericCron Trigger
 * Copyright (c) 2019 Contributors to the openHAB Scripters project
 * @author Helmut Lehmeyer - initial contribution
'use strict';

var me = "TimerExample.js";
logInfo("################# "+me+" ##################");

	name: me+" TimerExample",
	description: "TimerExample L:"+__LINE__,
	triggers: [ 
		TimerTrigger("0/15 * * * * ?")
	execute: function( module, input){ 
		logInfo("################ "+me+" Line: "+__LINE__+"  #################");
		logInfo( "createTimer start");
		createTimer(DateTime.now().plusSeconds(2), function(){
			logWarn( "createTimer stopped ");
		logInfo( "setTimeout start");
			logWarn( "setTimeout stopped " + m);
		}, 1000, "bla");
